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Employer Branding Package

Employer Branding Package

Regular price $2,500.00 Sale

In today’s hypercompetitive job market, attracting and retaining top talent is more challenging than ever. Beyond offering competitive salaries and benefits, companies must also differentiate themselves and stand out from the crowd if they want to find the best candidates in their field. 

What Style Nine to Five offers in this package:

1. LinkedIn Company Page Refresh:

A LinkedIn Company Page is often the first point of interaction between your company and potential employees.

  • Updating Visual Elements: Ensuring that profile and cover photos are current, professional, and reflective of your company’s brand identity.
  • Enhancing the About Section: Clearly articulating your company's mission, vision, values, and culture. This helps potential candidates understand what your company stands for and what it's like to work there.
  • Employee Spotlights and Testimonials: Featuring stories and testimonials from current employees can provide a genuine insight into your company's working environment and culture.

2. Career Page on Website Edit

The career page on the your website is another crucial touchpoint for potential candidates.

  • Content That Resonates: Besides listing job openings, your career page should include content that gives candidates a sense of the company culture, values, and what it’s like to work there. This could include employee testimonials, and details about work-life balance, community involvement, and professional development opportunities.
  • Clear Call to Action: Making it easy for potential candidates to apply or get more information.

3. Job Description Rehaul

A job description is not just a list of duties and requirements; it's a marketing tool that can attract the right candidates.

  • Emphasizing Company Culture: Including information about your company culture and what makes it a unique place to work can help attract candidates who are a good cultural fit.
  • Role Clarity and Expectations: Clearly defining the role, responsibilities, and expectations. This helps candidates understand exactly what will be expected of them and whether they have the skills and experience to be successful.
  • Highlighting Growth and Development Opportunities: Candidates are not just looking for a job; they're looking for a career path. Highlighting opportunities for growth and professional development within your company can make the position more appealing.
  • Inclusivity and Diversity Statements: Including statements on inclusivity and diversity demonstrates the company’s commitment to creating a welcoming and supportive environment for all employees.

Let's get started! Secure your spot now to kickstart the transformation of your employer brand. Once booked, we'll schedule a video call as the initial step to discuss your needs in detail.